image 511 300x222 - Deforestation Report (SAD) January 2014The forest degradation accumulated in the period from August 2013 to January 2014 totaling 531 square kilometers.
Fonseca, A., Martins, H., Souza Jr., C., Sales, M., & Veríssimo, A. 2014. . Forest Transparency for the Brazilian Amazon (january 2014) (p. 11). Belém: Imazon.

In January 2014, the majority (58%) of the forest area of Brazilian Amazon was covered by clouds, a coverage lower than January 2013 (61%), which reduced the ability to detect deforestation and forest degradation in the region. The States with the largest cloud coverage were Amapá (86%), Pará (83%) and Rondônia (79%). During the period analyzed, and under these cloud conditions, were detected by SAD, 107 square kilometers of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. This represents na increase of 206% compared to January 2013 when the deforestation totaled 35 square kilometers.
The forest degradation accumulated in the period from August 2013 to January 2014, corresponding to the first six months of the current calendar of deforestation, totaling 531 square kilometers. There was a reduction of the accumulated deforestation of 60% over the previous period (August 2012 to January 2013) when the deforestation totaled 1.326 square kilometers.
The degraded forests totaled 32 square kilometers in January 2014. Compared to January 2013 there was a reduction of 53% when the forest degradation totaled 69 square kilometers. The vast majority (97%) occurred in Mato Grosso, followed by Amazonas (2%) and Pará (1%).
The forest degradation accumulated from August 2013 to January 2014 totaled 212 square kilometers. Compared to the previous period (August 2012 to January 2013) was reduced by 80% when the forest degradation totaled 1,043 square kilometers.
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