Inspired by the pioneering experience of the municipality of Paragominas, the government of the State of Pará launched the Green Municipalities Programme (PMV) in 2011, aiming to drastically reduce deforestation and change the basis of the state rural economy – largely extensive and predatory. The PMV is a public program whose executive committee is formed by the state and municipal governments, Public Ministry, private sector and NGOs, including Imazon. So far, 104 municipalities joined the program and pledged to reduce deforestation.

Some of the strategies of PMV is to establish the grounds for a forest economy based on the management of native forests and the Payment for Environmental Services (PES); encourage intensive farming and reforestation in areas already cleared; provide environmental regulation through the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) and Rural Environmental License (LAR).

Imazon develops various activities related to the PMV agenda, including supporting CAR in the municipalities through the development of a cartographic baseline and training of local technicians; strengthening the environmental management of municipalities; monitoring deforestation and training teams to verify deforestation; and supporting local partners fighting against deforestation. In addition, Imazon is developing a municipal management system (SIGAM) integrated to the environmental management system of the state (SIMLAM).


Hanging in the balance: the future of a forest

Movie launched in partnership with the Skoll Foundation and the Sundance Institute, which shows several efforts to reduce deforestation and preserve biodiversity, including the efforts of Imazon in Paragominas.

Learn about PMV

Learn how the Green Municipalities Program of the State of Pará, which has partnership with Imazon, was created and how it works (in portuguese).

Understanding the Green Municipalities

Researcher Paulo Amaral explains the dynamic behind the environmental suitability of the municipalities in the State of Pará (in portuguese).



In The Media

How Brazil is using education, technology and politics to save its rainforest
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