a regularizacao fundiaria avancou na amazonia os dois anos do  programa1 - Did Land Regularization Advance in the Amazon? Two years of the Legal Land Program - Executive SummaryBrito, B. & Barreto, P. 2011.

New assessment of the federal government program for land regularization in the Amazon.
In 2009, the federal government launched the Legal Land Program, based on Law 11.952/2009, aiming at expediting land regularization of up to 300,000 informal occupations in public land on the Legal Amazon. The program is coordinated by the Ministry of Agrarian Development with support from the Land Reform and Settlement Institute (Incra). It also has a decision-making consulting committee, the Intergovernmental Executive Group, joined by other ministries, state governments and some representatives from civil society.
The program was expected to issue land property titles in 60 days through five major steps: cadaster of occupations, georeferencing of parcels, field inspections, granting of land title and monitoring after the title. However, the program failed to meet its ambitious goal in its first year and only 276 land property titles were issued, primarily of requests for tilting made before the program.
After one more year of the program, we assessed its main results between June 2010 and May 2011. We also analyzed actions taken by the Judiciary branch to fight registration of false land titles in the state of Pará, another important aspect to promote land property regularization.
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