deforestation july - Deforestation Report (SAD) July 2013SAD detected 152 square kilometers of deforestation in the Legal Amazon in July 2013. That represented an increase of 9% in relation to July 2012 when deforestation totaled 139.5 square kilometers. It was possible to monitor 92% of the forest area in the Legal Amazon while in July 2012 there were more clouds and it was possible to monitor 80% of the territory.

The deforestation accumulated during the period of August 2012 to July 2013 totaled 2,007 square kilometers. There was a 92% increase in relation to the previous period (August 2011 to July 2012) when deforestation totaled 1,047 square kilometers.
In July 2013, deforestation occurred principally in Pará (38%), Amazonas (28%), Mato Grosso (24%) and Rondônia (9%).
Degraded forests in the Legal Amazon totaled 93 square kilometers in July 2013. In relation to July 2012, when forest degradation totaled 27.5 square kilometers, there was an increase of 237%.
Forest degradation accumulated during the period (August 2012 to July 2013) reached 1,555 square kilometers. In relation to the previous period (August 2011 to July 2012), when degradation totaled 2.002 square kilometers, there was a 22% reduction.
In July 2013, deforestation detected by SAD committed 3 million tons of equivalent CO². In the accumulated period (August 2012 to July 2013) emissions of equivalent CO² produced by with deforestation totaled 100 million tons, which represents an increase of 60% in relation to the previous period (August 2011 to July 2012).
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