image 312 300x222 - Deforestation Report (SAD) November 2013SAD detected 37 square kilometers of deforestationin the Legal Amazon.
Martins, H., Fonseca, A., Souza Jr., C., Sales, M., & Veríssimo, A. 2013. Forest Transparency for the Brazilian Amazon (November 2013) (p. 11). Belém.

In November 2013, SAD detected 37 square kilometers of deforestationin the Legal Amazon. That represents a drop of 33% in relationto November 2012 when deforestation totaled 55 square kilometers. Of that total, 26% occurred in Pará, followed by Roraima (22%), Amazonas (17%) and Rondônia (17%). Due to cloud cover, it was possible to monitor only 42% of the territory while in November 2012 it was possible to monitor 50% of the Amazon.
The deforestation accumulated in the period from August 2013 to November 2013 was 368 square kilometers. There was a reduction of 70% in relationto the previous period (August 2012 to November 2012) when deforestation totaled 1,206 square kilometers.
Degraded forests totaledonly 9 square kilometers in November 2013. In relation to November 2012 there was a reduction of 91% when forest degradation totaled 100 square kilometers. The great majority (60%) occurred in Mato Grosso, followed by Pará (40%).
Forest degradation accumulated during the period from August 2013 to November 2013 totaled 157 square kilometers. In relation to the previous period (August 2012 to November 2012), when forest degradation totaled 711 square kilometers, there was a reduction of 78%.
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