Several authors. System for Monitoring Timber Harvesting (Simex): Mapping logging in Amapá State – August 2022 to July 2023. Belém: Imazon, Idesam, Imaflora e ICV.

Between August 2022 and July 2023, 351 hectares of logging were detected in Amapá. The authorized area represented 100% of the total mapped. Around 97% of the logging was mapped within a Conservation Unit under a management plan.


The data used to check the legality of management plans in the state during the period under review was obtained from the Amapá State Secretariat for the Environment – Sema/AP. The Simex Network assessed the existence of authorizations for the logged areas detected, classifying them as authorized and unauthorized. The environmental agency reviewed and validated the results presented here.

Infografico SIMEX A4 AMAPA ago2022 jul2023 EN 2 300x212 - System for Monitoring Timber Harvesting (Simex): Mapping logging in Amapá State – August 2022 to July 2023

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