Comparation of fixed area plots and variable radius plot for estimating tree species diversity. 22 de September de 2008 Batista, J. L. F. & Vidal, E. 2002.
Cattle ranching in the Brazilian Amazon: subsidies, efficiency and inequality. 22 de September de 2008 Arima, E., 1997.
Brazil´s bold initiative in the Amazon: a proposed new system of forest concessions in the Brazilian Amazon would reshape the logging industry there. 22 de September de 2008 Veríssimo, A. & Cochrane, M. 2003.
Bosque para Siempre: una experiencia de manejo sostenible en la amazonía brasileña. 22 de September de 2008 Amaral, P. 2001.
Biophysical and spatiotemporal characterization of degraded forests in the Brazilian Amazon through remote sensing. 22 de September de 2008 Souza Jr., C., 2005.
Bigleaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla king) in southeast Pará, Brazil: a life history with management guidelines for sustained production from natural forests. 22 de September de 2008 Grogan, J., 2001.
Algunas pautas sencillas de manejo puden ayudar en la ordenación sostenible de la caoba de hoja grande en los neotrópicos. 22 de September de 2008 Grogan, J., 2002.
Accuracy assessment of remote sensing products using airborne videography: a case study from Rondonia, Brazil. 22 de September de 2008 Clark, M., Powell, R., Matzke, N., Souza Jr., C., 2003.
A summary of research carried out under an ITTO Fellowship to evaluate the use of GIS for the planning of timber extracion in the eastern Amazon. 22 de September de 2008 Souza Jr., C., 1997.
Wood as economic catalystic to ecological change in Amazonia. 22 de September de 2008 Uhl, C.; Veríssimo, A.; Mattos, M.; Tarifa, R. & Brandino, Z. 1990.