Costs and benefits of forest management for timber production in eastern Amazon. 18 de September de 1998 Barreto, P.; Amaral, P.; Vidal, E.; Uhl, C. 1998.
Zoning of timber extraction in the Brazilian Amazon. 18 de September de 1998 Veríssimo, A.; Souza Jr., C.; Stone, S.; Uhl, C. 1998.
Using a geographic information system for applied policy analysis: the case of logging in the eastern Amazon. 18 de September de 1998 Stone, S. 1998.
Rural transport in eastern Amazônia: limitations, options, and opportunities. 18 de September de 1998 Guimarães, A. & Uhl, C. 1998.
Linear mixture model classification of burned forests in the eastern Amazon. 18 de September de 1998 Cochrane, M.A. & Souza Jr., C. 1998.
Forestry in the Amazon: current situation and prospects. 18 de September de 1998 Veríssimo, A. & Amaral, P. 1998.
Fire in Amazonian selectively-logged rain forest and the potential for fire reduction. 18 de September de 1997 Holdsworth, A. R. & Uhl, C. 1997.
Economic trends in the timber industry of A Amazônia: sure by results from Pará State. 1990-1995. 18 de September de 1997 Stone, S. 1997.