Deforestation in the month reached 1,224 km², the highest number for the period in 10 years

Deforestation pace in the Brazilian Amazon remains accelerated: the region lost a forest area larger than 4 thousand soccer fields a day in September. In the entire month, 1,224 km² were devastated, an area equivalent to the city of Rio de Janeiro, and the worst mark for September in 10 years. The data are from Imazon’s Deforestation Alert System (SAD, in Portuguese), which monitors the forest through satellite images.
This was the sixth month in 2021 in which the Brazilian Amazon has lost the greatest area in a decade: March, April, May, July, and August also reached the worst deforestation since 2012. With that, the accumulated from January to September this year hit 8,939 km², 39% more than in the same period in 2020, and the worst rate in 10 years.
These data show that Brazil needs to present more effective actions to protect the Brazilian Amazon in the 26ª United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-26), which begins on October 31st in Glasgow, Scotland.
“The increase of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon does not favor Brazil’s image at COP-26. It is necessary that the country urgently takes significant measures to fight against deforestation, and hence reduce the greenhouse gas emissions”, says Larissa Amorim, Imazon’s researcher.
According to the specialist, among the necessary changes are the rise of inspection in the lands most affected by deforestation, the embargo of illegally destroyed areas and the punishment of those responsible.
“Besides, an Imazon study pointed out that almost 30% of the Brazilian Amazon consist of public land that has no use defined by law. In other words, to reduce deforestation, it is also necessary to make them protected areas, such as indigenous lands, conservation units and quilombola territories”, adds Amorim.