who we are - About us
The Amazon Institute of People and the Environment (Imazon) is a Brazilian and Amazonian non-profit scientific institution conducting research and projects to promote the region’s socioenvironmental development and climate justice. Our purpose is to produce and apply solutions based on forest conservation to improve the quality of life not only for the Amazon population but also for the Brazilian and the world population.

In 32 years, Imazon has already published approximately 900 scientific works, including research — many of them in international journals —, books, booklets, infographics, guides, and maps. These productions support decision-making by public authorities, the private sector, and even third-sector organizations, besides bringing specialized knowledge about Amazon to society.

mission vision and values - About us

To promote conservation and sustainable development in the Amazon.

The Amazon is a region where biodiversity, forest cover, and associated environmental services will be conserved, and sustainable development will be achieved in order to guarantee decent living conditions for all the region’s inhabitants.


Solutions to problems of natural resource use must be based on the principles of sustainability — the capacity of an ecosystem to maintain ecological processes and functions, biological diversity, and productivity over time. This means respecting all life forms and the cycles of nature, valuing cultural diversity, strengthening sustainable local economies, considering the environmental and social costs involved in production processes, and promoting efforts for benefit sharing (sharing power in decision-making and sharing sustainably created goods and services).

Adopt a respectful relationship with all people and institutions; respect copyrights; respect professional codes of ethics; and combat racial, gender, religious, and social prejudices and inequalities.

Imazon conducts objective and unbiased analyses based on scientific methods proven in specialized literature.

Imazon’s work undergoes a rigorous process of internal quality control and external peer review. This reinforces the credibility and respect of the institute.

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