Imazon at the Climate Conference

Imazon researchers will attend the 15th Conference of the parties (COP-15) to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC).
See below more information on Imazon’s activities at COP-15.
Side events:
Title: Making it happen: monitoring forest emissions and governance to achieve REDD
Date and venue: December 10th, from 09:00 to 10:30, Victor Borg Room (Bella Center)
Abstract: Imazon and its partners organizations will present results from studies that aims at contributing to the formulation and implementation of mechanisms of Reduction od Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). The event will be divided into two painels. The first will focus on methodologies to monitor carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Mato Grosso State, Brazilian Amazon. On the second part, the speakers will present preliminary results from pilot assessments on governance of forests in Brazil and Indonesia.
Partners: WRI, ICV, TNC, Infoterra, Sekala, ICEL, Huma and Forest Watch Indonesia.
Title: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation Cattle Ranching in the Brazilian Amazon
Abstract: Brazil has the world’s largest commercial cattle herd, and the cattle industry is responsible for over three quarters of deforestation in Brazil, leading to around half of the country’s GHG emissions.
Date and Local: December 10th, from 10:00 to 11:30. Bella Center, Center Boulevard 5 2300 Copenhague
Partners: National Wildlife Federation, Forest Footprint Disclosure Project, Amigos da Terra Amazônia Brasileira
Title: Reducing emissions from deforestation for cattle expansion in the Brazilian Amazon — solutions exist
Date and Local: December 12th from 15:15 to 15:45. Agriculture and Rural Development Day. Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE) University of Copenhagen. Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, DENMARK
Abstract: Emissions from cattle ranching are Brazil’s largest single source of GHG’s. What are the prospects for change in order to reconcile increased production with decreased impacts on emissions? This session will describe the latest news from Brazil on initiatives to reduce deforestation, explaining the hurdles which until now have prevented this revolution in cattle ranching in the Amazon, as well as introducing a new report on total emissions of the Brazilian livestock industry.
Brazil has the world’s largest commercial cattle herd, and the cattle industry is responsible for over three quarters of deforestation in Brazil, leading to around half of the country’s GHG emissions. Recent reports on the extent of deforestation have stirred up controversy, law enforcement efforts and company commitments. We organized an international workshop which produced agreement that there are four essential building blocks towards environmentally and socially responsible cattle production:
1.Sustainable intensification techniques can increase the number of cattle per hectare while decreasing GHG emissions per cow;
2.There should be no more deforestation for cattle production;
3.A system to trace cattle from birth will assure buyers they are avoiding ‘deforestation’ products; and
4.Smart financing is essential for the transition.
The session will cover results of new research and ferment in the cattle industry, as well as initiatives to develop a system of certification.
A new report will be announced, presenting the first full GHG ‘cattle footprint’ for Brazil, showing emission levels under different management scenarios, and from different stages of the production chain.
Partners: Amigos da Terra Amazônia Brasileira, National Wildlife Federation, Forest Footprint Disclosure
Title: Livestock sector evolution: trade-offs with food, feed and biofuels and solutions to deforestation
Date and Local: December 12th, from 18:15 to 19:45 Hall H Room – Liva Weel
Abstract: Livestock provide many services but consume biomass while producing GHGs. We highlight integrated assessment of land-use policies to secure mitigation targets for a livestock sector in transition; assess cattle emissions; and show improved livestock management can abate deforestation in Brazil.
Contacts at COP-15
Brenda Brito ( ), from December 07th to 18th
Paulo Barreto ( ), from December 07th to 13th
Carlos Souza Jr ( ), from December 08th to 13th
Paulo Amaral ( ), from December 08th to 13th
For additional information, please contact our Communication Advisor at
Oficial UNFCCC website:

This post was published on 2 de December de 2009

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