Fire as a recurrent event in tropical forests of the eastern Amazon: effects on forest structure, biomass, and species composition. 18 de September de 1999 Cochrane, M.A. & Schulze, M. D. 1999.
Developing a quantitative framework for sustainable resource-use planning in the Brazilian Amazon. 18 de September de 1999 Almeida, O. 1999.
The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainability. 18 de September de 1999 Barros, A.C. & Uhl, C. 1999.
Large-scale impoverishment of Amazonian forest by logging and fire. 18 de August de 1999 Nepstad, D.; Veríssimo, A.; Alencar, A.; Nobre, C.; Lima, E.; Lefebvre, P.; Schlesinger, P.; Potter, C.; Cochrane, M.A.; Brooks, V. 1999.
Costs and benefits of forest management for timber production in eastern Amazon. 18 de September de 1998 Barreto, P.; Amaral, P.; Vidal, E.; Uhl, C. 1998.
Zoning of timber extraction in the Brazilian Amazon. 18 de September de 1998 Veríssimo, A.; Souza Jr., C.; Stone, S.; Uhl, C. 1998.
Using a geographic information system for applied policy analysis: the case of logging in the eastern Amazon. 18 de September de 1998 Stone, S. 1998.
Rural transport in eastern Amazônia: limitations, options, and opportunities. 18 de September de 1998 Guimarães, A. & Uhl, C. 1998.
Linear mixture model classification of burned forests in the eastern Amazon. 18 de September de 1998 Cochrane, M.A. & Souza Jr., C. 1998.