Título Rural transport in eastern Amazonia: Limitations, options, and opportunities
Autores André Loubet Guimarães
Christopher Uhl
Ano de publicação 1997
DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/S0743-0167(97)00019-3

GUIMARÃES, André Loubet; UHL, Christopher. Rural Transport in Eastern Amazonia: Limitations, Options, and Opportunities. Journal of Rural Studies, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 4, p. 429–440, 1997.

X07430167 225x300 - Rural transport in eastern Amazônia: limitations, options, and opportunities.Abstract

In rural Amazonia farmers rely on a variety of conveyances for overland transport ranging from burros through horse-drawn carts and bicycles to motorized carts and trucks. We compared the costs of purchasing and operating these different conveyances and determined how transport mode, road quality, distance to market, and product value affect the profitability of farming in this region. We conclude by suggesting policy changes necessary to both increase the effectiveness of rural transport in regions of Amazonia where colonization has already occurred and slow encroachment into unoccupied areas.

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