Unresolved land tenure issues in Pará

In this The State of the Amazon we evaluate the state’s land tenure situation with data from different land and environmental institutions.
Brito, B., Baima, S., & Salles, J. 2013. Unresolved land tenure issues in Pará (Vol. 23, p. 6). Belém: Imazon.
In the State of Pará, the land tenure situation is confused and associated with conflicts in rural areas. Despite advances in recent years with the creation of Protected Areas and the cancellation of false land titles, part of the state’s territory still lacks property rights definition. In this The State of the Amazon we evaluate the state’s land tenure situation with data from different land and environmental institutions. We conclude that 39% of the state territory presents unresolved issues in land tenure regularization, and also concentrates the ma- jority (71%) of deforestation in the State. The majority of the area (92%) without regularization does not have proceedings underway for land title definition. These data reinforce the need for prioritizing and accelerating land regularization, which can be done with information existing in the Rural Environmental Registry.
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This post was published on 28 de May de 2013

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