image99 300x223 - Deforestation Report (SAD) August 2013SAD detected 185 square kilometers of deforestation in the Legal Amazon in August 2013
Martins, H., Fonseca, A., Souza Jr., C., Sales, M., & Veríssimo, A. 2013. Forest Transparency for the Brazilian Amazon (June 2013) (p. 13). Belém.

SAD detected 185 square kilometers of deforestation in the Legal Amazon in August 2013. That represented a 20% reduction in relation to August 2012 when deforestation totaled 232 square kilometers. Among the states, deforestation occurred mainly in Pará (41%) and Amazonas (28%)
Degraded forests in the Legal Amazon totaled 92 square kilometers in August 2013. In relation to August 2012, when forest degradation totaled 60 square kilometers, there was an increase of 53%.
It was possible to monitor 80% of the forest area in the Legal Amazon, where as in August 2012 there were fewer clouds and it was possible to monitor 84% of the territory.SAD detected 185 square kilometers of deforestation in the Legal Amazon in August 2013. That represented a 20% reduction in relation to August 2012 when deforestation totaled 232 square kilometers. Among the states, deforestation occurred mainly in Pará (41%) and Amazonas (28%)
Degraded forests in the Legal Amazon totaled 92 square kilometers in August 2013. In relation to August 2012, when forest degradation totaled 60 square kilometers, there was an increase of 53%.
It was possible to monitor 80% of the forest area in the Legal Amazon, where as in August 2012 there were fewer clouds and it was possible to monitor 84% of the territory.
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