impunity for environmental - Impunity for Environmental Violations in Protected Areas of the AmazonBarreto, P., Mesquita, M., Araújo, E., & Brito, B. 2009. A Impunidade de Infratores Ambientais em Áreas Protegidas da Amazônia (No. 13) (p. 6). Belém: Imazon.
The Brazilian federal and state governments have created protected areas to combat deforestation and safeguard the biological and social diversity of the Brazilian Amazon. However, these areas are still threatened by deforestation and illegal logging. In this edition of The State of the Amazon, we evaluate the efficiency of the Brazilian administrative and judicial systems to punish these violations at the federal level. Impunity is the rule due to time-consuming investigations, administrative and judicial proceedings. The effective protection of these areas requires: prioritizing preventive measures against environmental violations; intensifying the application of penalties, such as the seizure and auction of cattle found within protected areas; and streamlining and improving the administrative and judicial systems for punishing violators.
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