Artigos científicos

Factors Limiting Post-logging Seedling Regeneration by Big-leaf Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in Southeastern Amazonia, Brazil, and Implications for Sustainable Management.

Grogan, J., & Galvao, J. 2006. Factors Limiting Post-logging Seedling Regeneration by Big-leaf Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in Southeastern Amazonia, Brazil,…

5 de junho de 2006

Identifying bias in stand-level growth and yield estimations: a case study in eastern Brazilian Amazonia

Valle, D., Schulze, M., Vidal, E., Grogan, J., & Sales, M. 2006. Identifying bias in stand-level growth and yield estimations:…

5 de junho de 2006

Mapping land use of tropical regions from space.

Souza Jr., C. 2006. Mapping land use of tropical regions from space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of…

5 de junho de 2006

Mapping unofficial roads with Landsat imagens: a new tool to improve the monitoring of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

Brandão Jr, A., & Souza Jr., C. 2006. Mapping unofficial roads with Landsat images: a new tool to improve the…

5 de junho de 2006

Origem e destino da madeira Amazônica.

Barreto, P. 2006. Origem e destino da madeira Amazônica. Revista Ciência & Ambiente, 32, 168. Santa Maria: Universidade Federal de…

5 de junho de 2006

Combining spectral and spatial information to map canopy damage from selective logging and forest fires

Souza Jr., Carlos M.; Roberts, Dar A.; Cochrane, Mark A. Combining spectral and spatial information to map canopy damage from…

15 de outubro de 2005

Big-Leaf Mahogany on CITES Appendix II: Big challenge, big opportunity.

Grogan, J., & Barreto, P. 2005. Big-Leaf Mahogany on CITES Appendix II : Big Challenge , Big Opportunity. Conservation Biology,…

8 de agosto de 2005

Mapping and Spatiotemporal Characterization of Degraded Forests in the Brazilian Amazon through Remote Sensing

Souza Jr., C. 2005. Mapping and Spatiotemporal Characterization of Degraded Forests in the Brazilian Amazon through Remote Sensing. University of…

6 de julho de 2005

Monitoramento de indicadores de manejo florestal na Amazônia Legal utilizando sensoriamento remoto

Monteiro, A. L. 2005. Monitoramento de indicadores de manejo florestal na Amazônia Legal utilizando sensoriamento remoto. Universidade Federal do Paraná.

6 de julho de 2005

Multi-temporal analysis of degraded forests in the Southern Brazilian Amazon.

Souza Jr, C., & Roberts, D. 2005. Multitemporal Analysis of Degraded Forests in the Southern Brazilian Amazon. Earth Interactions, 9(19),…

13 de junho de 2005