Artigos científicos

Long-Term Annual Surface Water Change in the Brazilian Amazon Biome: Potential Links with Deforestation, Infrastructure Development and Climate Change

Souza Jr, C., Kirchhoff, F. Oliveira, B. Ribeiro, J. Sales, M. Long-Term Annual Surface Water Change in the Brazilian Amazon…

22 de março de 2019

Changes in Climate and Land Use Over the Amazon Region: Current and Future Variability and Trends

Marengo, Jose A.; Souza Jr., Carlos M.; Thonicke, Kirsten; Burton, Chantelle; Halladay, Kate; Betts, Richard A.; Alves, Lincoln M.; Soares,…

21 de dezembro de 2018

SEEG initiative estimates of Brazilian greenhouse gas emissions from 1970 to 2015

Azevedo, T., Junior, C., Brandão, A. et al. 2018. SEEG initiative estimates of Brazilian greenhouse gas emissions from 1970 to 2015.…

4 de junho de 2018

Potential trajectories of the upcoming forest trading mechanism in Pará State, Brazilian Amazon

Brito, B. 2017. Potential trajectories of the upcoming forest trading mechanism in Pará State, Brazilian Amazon. PLOS ONE 12(4): e0174154. (mais…)

10 de abril de 2017

SimiVal, a multi-criteria map comparison tool for land-change model projections

Brandão, A. et al. 2016. SimiVal, a multi-criteria map comparison tool for land-change model projections. 2016. Science Direct. (mais…)

29 de agosto de 2016

Public health impacts of ecosystem change in the Brazilian Amazon

Título Public health impacts of ecosystem change in the Brazilian Amazon Autores Simone C. Bauch (a) Anna M. Birkenbach (b)…

15 de junho de 2015

Fazendeiros e Frigoríficos responderam aos Acordos de Desmatamento Zero na Amazônia Brasileira?

Gibbs, H. K., Munger, J., Roe, J. L., Barreto, P., Pereira, R., Christie, M., Amaral, T. & Walker, N. 2015.…

12 de maio de 2015

Brazil’s Soy Moratorium

Título Brazil’s Soy Moratorium Autores H. K. Gibbs, L. Rausch, J. Munger, I. Schelly, D. C. Morton, P. Nooijpady, B.…

23 de janeiro de 2015

Public policies can reduce tropical deforestation: Lessons and challenges from Brazil

Arima, E. Y., Barreto, P., Araújo, E., & Soares-Filho, B. 2014. Public policies can reduce tropical deforestation: Lessons and challenges…

22 de julho de 2014

Forest biomass recovery after conventional and reduced-impact logging in Amazonian Brazil

Thales A. P., West; Edson Vidal; Francis E. Putz. 2014. Forest biomass recovery after conventional and reduced-impact logging in Amazonian…

1 de fevereiro de 2014