Top 25 Publicações Científicas

Top 25 Publicações Científicas

O Imazon apresenta o ranking “Top 25 Publicações Científicas” de maior relevância durante nossos 25 anos de atuação. As publicações científicas foram mensuradas de acordo com o número de citações no Google Acadêmico:


1 – Large-scale impoverishment of Amazonian forests by logging and fire (1999)

2 – Positive feedbacks in the fire dynamic of closed canopy tropical forests (1999)

3 – Fire as a recurrent event in tropical forests of the eastern Amazon: effects on forest structure, biomass, and species composition1 (1999)

4 – Logging impacts and prospects for sustainable forest management in an old Amazonian frontier: the case of Paragominas (1992)

5 – Logging damage during planned and unplanned logging operations in the eastern Amazon (1996)

6 – Fire in Amazonian selectively logged rain forest and the potential for fire reduction (1997)

7 – Extraction of a high-value natural resource in Amazonia: the case of mahogany (1995)

8 – Using vegetation reflectance variability for species level classification of hyper spectral data (2000)

9 – Costs and benefits of forest management for timber production in eastern Amazonia (1998)

10 – Fatos florestais da Amazônia 2003 (2003)

11 – Financial and ecological indicators of reduced impact logging performance in the eastern Amazon (2002)

12 – Natural resource management in the Brazilian Amazon (1997)

13 – Social, economic, and ecological consequences of selective logging in an Amazon frontier: the case of Tailândia (1991)

14 – Economic and ecological perspectives on ranching in the eastern Amazon (1994)

15 – Mapping forest degradation in the Eastern Amazon from SPOT 4 through spectral mixture models (2002)

16 – Degradation of forests through logging and fire in the eastern Brazilian Amazon (2003)

17 – Regional ecosystem structure and function: ecological insights from remote sensing of tropical forests (2007)

18 – Combining spectral and spatial information to map canopy damage from selective logging and forest fires (2005)

19 – Integrating liana abundance and forest stature into an estimate of total aboveground biomass for an eastern Amazonian forest (2000)

20 – Boom-and-bust development patterns across the Amazon deforestation frontier (2009)

21 – Linear mixture model classification of burned forests in the eastern Amazon(1998)

22 – Large area mapping of land‐cover change in Rondonia using multitemporal spectral mixture analysis and decision tree classifiers (2002)

23 – Sources of error in accuracy assessment of thematic land-cover maps in the Brazilian Amazon (2004)

24 – Logging along the Amazon River and estuary: patterns, problems and potential (1995)

25 – Amazônia sustentável: limitantes e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento rural (2000)