Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazon

facebook - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazonfacebook - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazonlinkedin - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazonlinkedin - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazonwhatsapp - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazonwhatsapp - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazonx - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazonx - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazona2a - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazona2a - Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazon

Johns, J., Barreto, P., & Uhl, C. 1997. Logging damage in planned and unplanned logging operation and its implications for sustainable timber production in the eastern Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management, 89, 59-77.

Por meio de uma análise comparativa, Johns; Barreto e Uhl revelam que os danos ecológicos da exploração não-manejada são severos quando comparados aos danos causados na exploração manejada. Neste tipo de exploração, o corte de cipós, dois anos antes da exploração, pode reduzir a área afetada e o número de árvores danificadas em 30%. A queda direcional e o desenho correto de estradas de arraste reduzem a área afetada em 30% quando a operação de arraste é feita por trator skidder.

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This post was published on 7 de junho de 1997

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