Autores | Maria Beatriz N. Ribeiro Adalberto Veríssimo |
Periódico | Natureza & Conservação – Brazilian Journal of Nature Conservation |
Cidade | Curitiba |
Ano de publicação | 2007 |
ISSN | 1679-0073 |
RIBEIRO, Maria Beatriz N.; VERÍSSIMO, Adalberto. Patterns and causes of deforestation in protected areas of Rondônia – Brazil. Natureza & Conservação, Curitiba, v. 5, n. 1, p. 103-113, abr. 2007.
The creation of protected areas is one of the most effective and recommended strategies to preserve the integrity and biodiversity of the Amazon forest. In the state of Rondônia, where deforestation has already reached 32% of the territory, protected areas represent the last barrier against environmental degradation. However, deforestation has even advanced in these areas. In this article, we identify and quantify deforestation in Rondônia’s protected areas and we evaluate the causes of degradation in State protected areas. In 2004, approximately 6.3% of Rondônia’s entire pro-tected area had already been deforested. In proportion to their total area, state protected areas were the most deforested, whereas federal protected areas and Indigenous lands were the least affected. There are two main causes for this greater deforestation in State protected areas: a lack of State Government action to protect these areas and their proximity to wood industry and cattle-raising centers. In order to detain deforestation from advancing into protected areas, greater government presence and a more efficient and transparent inspection system are required.
This post was published on 13 de abril de 2007
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