Título Secondary growth deforestation leakage in the Pará beef cattle purchasing zone
Autores Luis Oliveira Junior (a)
Jailson S. de Souza Filho (a)
Bruno Gama Ferreira (a)
Carlos Souza Junior (a)
Vinculação dos autores (a) Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia (Imazon)
Ano de publicação 2024
Meio de publicação International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
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Deforestation is a major threat to forest conservation in the Amazon, affecting biodiversity, climate balance, and natural resources. The beef cattle market targets deforestation-free products. This study aims to assess the extension of Secondary Vegetation (SV) in the Pará State, quantify SV deforestation in rural properties, and measure potential deforestation leakage in SV. The study analyzed the SV dynamics at the property level by accessing the CAR database, selecting properties within the Pará State and filtering the database according to criteria. The dissolved CAR layer was used to remove overlapping properties and classify properties by class size. Properties with no deforestation from 2009 to 2022 were selected as potential purchasing zone. SV areas with regeneration ages greater than five years were considered. In 2022, the Pará State had 2.55 million hectares of SV areas over five years of age, with 136,831 properties in the potential purchasing zone of cattle beef. From 2009 to 2022, 45% of selected properties did not have PRODES alerts, however 82% had SV deforestation events between 2009 and 2022. If SV deforestation was a criterion, 51,065 properties would be out of business, and only 10,887 properties were free from SV deforestation. Deforestation analysis showed that not all forest resources are protected. To achieve a deforestation-free beef cattle market, the TAC must include an SV conservation strategy, to protect all forest resources.

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