Various authors. System for Monitoring Timber Harvesting (Simex): Mapping logging in Mato Grosso state – August 2021 to July 2022. Belém: Imazon, Idesam, Imaflora e ICV.
Between August 2021 and July 2022, 259,620 hectares of logging were mapped in Mato Grosso, which represents a 6% reduction in the area explored in the state compared to the period of 2021, where 277,048 hectares were mapped. To analyze the legality of the mapped exploration areas, 531 forestry exploration authorizations issued by the State Secretariat for the Environment (Sema/MT) were verified. This assessment identified that 69% of the mapped logging area (179,929 hectares) was logged legally, that is, with valid authorization and within the authorized area. Authorized logging increased by 4% compared to 2021. Illegal logging aected 79,691 hectares of forests in Mato Grosso, which represents 31% of the total logging mapped in 2022. There was a 23% reduction in the illegally logged area compared to the previous period. However, almost 1/3 (31%) of this illegal exploitation occurred in protected areas: 24% in indigenous lands and 7% in conservation units. In indigenous lands, illegal logging increase was 87%, and in conservation units, 50%,compared to the previous period.
From the identification and mapping of logging, we assessed legality by comparing the mapped exploration area with valid Forest Exploration
Authorizations (Autex and AEF) issued by Sema/MT. These databases are publicly available on the Transparency Portal and the Integrated Environmental Monitoring and Licensing System (Simlam), both managed by the state agency. Both the mapping and the validation of the legality checked were carried out in technical cooperation between the Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV) and the Geoprocessing and Environmental Monitoring Coordination (CGMA) of Sema/MT.
This post was published on 22 de dezembro de 2023
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