System for Monitoring Timber Harvesting (Simex): Mapping of logging in the Brazilian Amazon – August 2022 to July 2023

Several authors. System for Monitoring Timber Harvesting (Simex): Mapping of logging in the Brazilian Amazon – August 2022 to July 2023. Belém: Imazon, Idesam, Imaflora e ICV.

During this period, 366,014 hectares of native forests were logged for timber purposes in the Amazon, which represents a 7% reduction compared to the previous period. The analysis of legality shows that of the total area of timber extracted in the period, 239,708 hectares (65%) were logged with a forestry authorization issued by the competent bodies, and 126,306 hectares (35%) were logged in an unauthorized manner. Most of the unauthorized logging activity (71%) was identified on registered rural properties, followed by indigenous lands (16%).


The data used to assess the legality of logging areas in the states of Amazonas and Roraima in the states of Amazonas and Roraima was obtained from Sinaflor (National System for Controlling the Origin of Forest Products), available on the Siscom (Shared Environmental Information System) platform. For these states, the logging authorization data requested from the state environmental agencies has not been received to date. For the states of Acre and Rondônia, in addition to the Sinaflor data, we used data from the Sustainable Forest Management Plans (PMFS) and Autex (Forest Exploration Authorizations) granted by IMAC (Acre Environment Institute) and SEDAM/RO (Rondônia State Secretariat for Environmental Development). For the state of Mato Grosso, the databases were obtained from the Transparency Portal and the Integrated Environmental Monitoring and Licensing System (Simlam/MT), both managed by the Mato Grosso State Secretariat for the Environment (SEMA/MT). Both the mapping and the validation of the legality checked in Mato Grosso were carried out through technical cooperation between the Centro de Vida Institute (ICV) and SEMA/MT. In Pará, the data used was obtained from the Integrated Environmental Monitoring and Licensing System (Simlam/PA), the Brazilian Forestry Service and IdeflorBio. In the legality check, for each logging area mapped, the existence or not of valid logging permits relating to each area in question was verified and associated.


This post was published on 9 de outubro de 2024

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