The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainability

facebook - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainabilityfacebook - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainabilitylinkedin - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainabilitylinkedin - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainabilitywhatsapp - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainabilitywhatsapp - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainabilityx - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainabilityx - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainabilitya2a - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainabilitya2a - The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainability

Barros, A. C., & Uhl, C. 1999. The economic and social significance of logging operations on the floodplains of the Amazon estuary and prospects for ecological sustainability.

In: Padoch, C.; Ayres, J.M. ; Pinedo-Vasquez, M. & Henderson, A. (eds.), Várzea: Diversity Development, and Co. The New York Botanical Press, 13.
Barros e Uhl analisam o sistema de exploração, transporte e processamento de madeira das serrarias (pequenas, médias e grandes) estabelecidas ao longo do estuário do rio Amazonas. Essa avaliação revela que o custo do transporte fluvial é extremamente baixo quando comparado ao custo do transporte terrestre. Desta maneira, a região desponta como a mais atraente para o estabelecimento de indústrias madeireiras. Além disso, há uma vasta rede de moradores tradicionais que participam da exploração, transporte e processamento simples da madeira. De fato, os autores identificam mais de mil pequenas serrarias em operação nessa região.

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This post was published on 14 de junho de 1999

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