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Several authors. System for Monitoring Timber Harvesting (Simex): Mapping logging in Pará State – August 2022 to July 2023. Belém: Imazon, Idesam, Imaflora e ICV.

Between August 2022 and July 2023, 52,105 hectares of logging were detected in Pará, of which 21,832 hectares (42%) were carried out without authorization. The authorized area represented 58% of the total mapped, with 30,274 hectares. As for unauthorized activity, most of it was identified within registered rural properties (15,611 hectares or 72% of the total).

Assessment of legality

The data used to verify the legality of management plans in the state was obtained from Simlam-Pará (the State Environment Secretariat’s Environmental Monitoring and Licensing System), the Brazilian Forest Service and IdeflorBio. As for private areas, Simex assesses the consistency of the authorizations issued by the Secretariat, by crossreferencing the information contained in these documents with satellite images. In other areas, such as forests under concession, the system only verifies the existence of authorization for any exploitation detected.

Infografico SIMEX A4 PARA ago2022 jul2023 EN scaled - System for Monitoring Timber Harvesting (Simex): Mapping logging in Pará State - August 2022 to July 2023
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