Activity Report 2022

Imazon in Numbers

– 5 research programs
– 8 types of satellite image monitoring
– 45 studies published in 2022 alone
– approximately 1,000 papers published in 32 years
– 686,000 views on the website in 2022- 75,000 followers on social networks
– 4,100 mentions in the press in 84 countries in 2022
– support for a project aimed at restoring 300,000 hectares of forest
– 22 million hectares of protected areas monitored and served in the north of Pará
– 5,600 native trees planted
– 100 community environmental agents trained
– 36 families assisted in forest restoration

Letter from the executive board

In 2022, the Legal Amazon suffered its fifth consecutive annual record in forest clearing, which has caused severe social, economic and environmental damage in the region. According to Imazon’s Deforestation Alert System (SAD), from January to December, 10,573 km² were devastated, the equivalent of 3,000 soccer fields per day of forest. This was the most significant destruction in 15 years since the institute began monitoring with satellite images in 2008.

In this alarming context, Imazon’s scientific production and field projects were more widely accessed by the population, with a 17% increase in content views on the institution’s website, reaching almost 700 thousand. In the press, the data produced by the research teams was used in more than 4,000 national and international reports from more than 80 countries.

Scientific production that also contributed to the MapBiomas Network, integrated by Imazon since its creation, winner of the 2022 Skoll Award for Social Innovation. Currently, the institute contributes to the network by being responsible for two different technical coordinations: the one that produces data on land use and cover in the Amazon biome and the one that delivers information on the water surface of the whole country. The latter even has its platform called MapBiomas Água. In 2010, Imazon itself won the same award.

Also, in 2022, the institute mapped all the roads in the Amazon with the help of artificial intelligence. This unprecedented work was published in a scientific article in the international journal Remote Sensing, one of the most important in the world in remote sensing. This research showed that the roads already cut through or were within 10 km of 41% of the Amazon forest area in Brazil. This study has great potential to help public policies combat deforestation since 95% of all forest clearing takes place within 5.5 km of a road and 85% of fires are within 5 km.

“the institute mapped all the roads in the Amazon with the help of artificial intelligence, an unprecedented work published in a scientific article in the international journal Remote Sensing”

In 2022, Imazon also launched Radar Verde, a transparency indicator for Amazon’s meat chain. The tool aims to show consumers what meatpackers and supermarkets are doing to prevent illegal products from entering the Amazon. This initiative can also help in the fight against forest clearing since more than 80% of the devastated areas have become pasture.

In law, Imazon published an unprecedented study on the judicial punishment of illegal deforesters in the region, which analyzed the first results of the Amazônia Protege Program, run by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF). This work showed that jurisprudence had been created to accept satellite images as evidence, no longer requiring field inspections. This legal innovation could speed up the accountability of environmental criminals and the reparation of deforested areas.

And speaking of recovering deforested forests, another unpublished study by Imazon showed that at least 5.2 million hectares of secondary vegetation six years and older in the Legal Amazon were in areas with low agricultural suitability. This means they do not compete with grain plantations and are a priority for Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) actions, which could help the country meet its internationally agreed forest restoration targets. Imazon researchers produced this and five other studies as part of the Amazon 2030 project, which aims to create a development plan for the region to achieve sustainable use of natural resources by the end of this decade. In 2022, we produced 37 scientific articles, books, reports, technical notes and manuals.

Finally, at the year’s end, the institute supported the expedition that located the most giant tree in Latin America and the fourth largest globally. It is an 88.5-meter-high red angel tree, more than twice the size of Cristo Redentor statue, in Rio de Janeiro. To conserve the place where it is found, the Paru State Forest (Flota), which was among the five most deforested conservation units in the Amazon from October to November, Imazon also launched the Protect the Giant Trees campaign. Before the action, it was possible to find more than 500 Rural Environmental Registrations (CARs) irregularly registered in the territory, which were later canceled.

“the institute also supported the expedition that personally located the largest tree in Latin America and the fourth largest in the world, an 88.5-meter-high red angel tree, which is more than twice the size of  Cristo Redentor statue, in Rio de Janeiro”

These are just a few highlights of Imazon’s work during 2022, always focusing on fulfilling the institute’s mission: “Promoting conservation and sustainable development in the Amazon”! That’s why we invite you to learn more about our work on the following pages and get involved with us in defending the region and the people of the Amazon. Have a good read!

Ritaumaria Pereira
Executive Director

Verônica Oki
Administrative Director

Who we are

The Amazon Institute of People and the Environment (Imazon) is a Brazilian and Amazonian non-profit scientific institution that conducts research and projects to promote the region’s socio-environmental development and climate justice. We aim to produce and apply solutions based on forest conservation to improve the quality of life for the Amazonian population, Brazil, and the world.

In its 32 years of existence, Imazon has published around a thousand research papers, including scientific articles in international journals, books, reports and technical notes. These productions support decision-making by public authorities, the private sector, and even other third-sector organizations, and they bring specialized knowledge about Amazon to society as a whole.

Mission, vision e values

• Mission
Promote sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon through studies, support for formulating public policies, broad dissemination of information and professional preparation.

• Vision
The Amazon is an area where biodiversity, forest cover and their associated environmental services will be conserved and sustainable development will be implanted to guarantee living conditions with dignity for all of the region’s inhabitants.

• Values

Solutions to problems in the use of natural resources must be based on principles of sustainability, which is the capacity of an ecosystem to maintain ecological processes and functions, biological diversity and productivity over time. That means respecting all forms of life and the cycles of nature, valuing sociocultural diversity, strengthening sustainable local economies considering the environmental and social costs involved in productive processes, and promoting efforts for sharing benefits (sharing power in decision-making and sharing goods and services created sustainably).

Adopt a respectful relationship with other institutions and social actors; respect intellectual rights; respect professional codes of ethics; do not discriminate based on race, creed, gender, social, religious or ideological position in internal and external relations.

Imazon conducts objective and unbiased analyses based on scientific methods confirmed in the specialized literature.

Imazon products undergo a rigorous internal quality process and are reviewed by external peers. That reinforces the Institute’s credibility and respect.

Main contributions


The general objective of the program is to monitor, analyze address and publicize human pressures on forestry remains of the Amazon, including deforestation, forest degradation, logging and the roads. To achieve this, it combines remote sensing, programming and intelligence artificial agency. Its results have guided planning public policies, taking of decisions in the private sector and assisted in engaging protection of institutions and society in the protection tion of the Amazon.

It works to strengthen environmental management and support the low-carbon economy in Amazon municipalities. To this end, it carries out socio-environmental diagnoses, prepares geographic data, promotes training and supports the development and enforcement of public policies. In addition, it develops forest restoration projects, implementation of Agroforestry Systems (SAFs) and support for sustainable income generation in municipalities.

Its objective is to evaluate and support public policies policies to promote sustainable use and conservation of forest resources in the Amazon region. To this end, it supports the creation and consolidation of protected areas, with emphasis on the state of Pará. In addition to expand public management training, the program also works to strengthen governance community of territories, an action that includes the formation of voluntary environmental agents.

Works to create an environment conducive to socio-environmental development in the Amazon by through support for strengthening legislation and its effective application. The main focuses of the program have been increasing the effectiveness of environmental crimes combat and improve laws and federal or state regularization practices land. Its results have served as a basis for evaluating public management, law and the actions of the Judiciary.

It aims to contribute to reducing emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the Amazon. For therefore, it develops studies and projects aimed at combating deforestation, development socio-environmental, encouraging reforestation and increase in agricultural productivity but sustainable. The program has offered solutions that can be applied both by the sector public and private for mitigation of climate change.

Awards and recognitions

Imazon has already received 18 awards and recognitions, which show the relevance of the institution’s work to protect and develop Amazon socio-environmentally:

– MapBiomas Network, integrated by Imazon, received the Skoll 2022 Social Innovation Award.

– We received the Amazonia Forever Diploma from the Belém City Council.
– The PrevisIA artificial intelligence deforestation forecasting platform was recognized in the IT Mídia award as a Microsoft case, an Imazon and Fundo Vale partner in developing the tool.

– We won as the best NGO in the Northern Region and were among the 100 best NGOs in Brazil at the Best NGO Awards 2018.

– Representatives from Imazon and Mineração Rio do Norte received a tribute at the 13th Pará Industry Fair for winning 1st place in the State Prize for Innovation in the Mineral Industry with the Sustainable Territories Program.

– Our co-founder Beto Veríssimo made Época magazine’s list of Brazil’s 100 most influential people.
– Veríssimo was also recognized by the newspaper O Globo as the most outstanding personality of the year in the Society – Sustainability category in the 12th edition of the Faz Diferença Award.

– We were at the top of the Greenvana GreenBest 2012 award in the NGO category.
– Paragominas City Hall recognized us with the Célio Miranda Merit, the city’s most crucial commendation for those who have contributed to its development.

– We came 1st in the NGO category in the Academy’s choice of the 2011 Greenbest Awards.
– The International Biographical Centre recognized our senior researcher, Carlos Souza Jr., as a member of the TOP 100 SCIENTISTS 2011 list.
– Beto Veríssimo, co-founder of Imazon, was recognized by Alfa Magazine as one of the Men of the Year for his contributions to combating deforestation in the Amazon.

– We won the Skoll Foundation Award for Social Entrepreneurship.
– Paragominas, in Pará, came 1st in the Municipalities category of the Chico Mendes Award from the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), thanks to implementing the Green Municipality Project, carried out in partnership with Imazon.

– We received the Marina Silva Merit Award from Belém City Hall through the Municipal Environment Department (Semma).
– We won the USAID Award from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

– We won 1st place in the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) category of the Chico Mendes Prize, awarded by the Ministry of the Environment (MMA).

– We won the Henry Ford Environmental Conservation Award in the Science and Human Resources Training category.

2022 Results

Monitoring the Amazon

The monthly information collected by Imazon’s Deforestation Alert System (SAD) has been fundamental for non-governmental organizations, civil society groups, and the media to denounce, nationally and internationally, the continuous advance of deforestation in the Amazon region. The results obtained through this monitoring have been an essential tool in the fight against the spread of false information related to the environment in the Amazon, often disseminated through social networks.

Published quarterly, the “Threat and Pressure of Deforestation in Protected Areas” report has also provided crucial information that has been used to denounce the devastating impact on the Amazon region, but with a specific focus on indigenous lands and conservation units.

Continuing its work to monitor logging in the states of the Legal Amazon, the Logging and Monitoring System (Simex), coordinated by Imazon with ICV, Idesam and Imaflora, mapped a total of 377,624 hectares of native forests logged for timber purposes between August 2020 and July 2021. The research also found that in Pará alone, the area of illegal logging within indigenous territories grew 11 times in one year. For the first time, Simex assessed the legality of the logged regions in all the states analyzed: Pará, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Acre and Roraima. It also published a report with recommendations for developing the sector in the region.

In its second year of operation, the PrevisIA deforestation forecasting platform estimated that the Amazon could lose approximately 11,805 km² of native forest by 2023 if the rate of deforestation is not reduced, equivalent to almost ten cities in Rio de Janeiro. Developed by Imazon in partnership with Microsoft and the Vale Fund, the tool has already shown an assertiveness of nearly 80% in the forecast for 2022, which consolidates it as a relevant technology to help with forest protection actions.

Within the MapBiomas network, Imazon continued coordinating the analysis of land use and cover in the Amazon biome and the MapBiomas Água platform for the whole country. The first study’s results showed that the country lost 13.1% of its native vegetation between 1985 and 2021, and the Amazon biome lost 11.5%. In the case of surface water, the data pointed to a continuing trend of drought in the country and the region.

In partnership with 15 other organizations, Imazon also improved the Proteja Portal, the most extensive virtual library dedicated to protected areas in Brazil, which acts as a source of essential information for research, projects and campaigns related to these territories. The Proteja Brasil Podcast is in its third season to discuss the importance of protecting aquatic environments in the Amazon region, addressing the impact of highways, hydroelectric dams and mining in these areas. In addition, after two years of virtual events, the 2022 edition of Proteja Talks featured a face-to-face meeting in Manaus, Amazonas. With the theme “Territory and Resistance,” the activity brought together various leaders and organizations to discuss the importance of traditional communities in protecting the environment and preserving Brazilian culture.

Sustainable municipalities

In keeping with the challenge of recovering deforested areas in the Pará Amazon, the Floresta para Sempre project reached the milestone of 5,600 seedlings planted on small rural properties, reaching 36 families who worked in family farming and needed to regularize their plots following the Forest Code. In addition, the project continued to train them in the best techniques for recovering native forests through the Formar Forest Restoration course.

In November 2022, Imazon also began implementing an agroforest at the Areia Branca Municipal School in the rural community of Areia Branca, in Ulianópolis, Pará. The action is part of the Gesto Institute’s Forest Room Project, which seeks to transform the Agroforestry System (SAF) into a classroom so that children and teenagers can learn subjects from various disciplines in contact with Amazonian nature, build environmental awareness and also enjoy the organic food grown on-site.

In the area of research, the institute also launched the study “Opportunities for large-scale forest restoration in the Amazon biome: prioritizing secondary vegetation” as part of the Amazonia 2030 project, which revealed that 5.2 million hectares of areas that have been regenerating for more than six years in the Amazon have low suitability for agriculture. In other words, these areas can help to recover forest liabilities at a lower cost and without competing with grain production, thus helping Brazil to achieve its internationally agreed forest restoration targets.

Imazon also continued its contribution to the project “Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) on a large scale in the Brazilian Amazon,” carried out in partnership with WRI, ICV, and Suzano. The initiative aims to encourage the restoration of approximately 300,000 hectares through ANR in 8 municipalities, three in Pará and five in Mato Grosso.

Forestry policy and economy

The program was a partner in releasing more than 3,000 chelonians in the Jará Environmental Protection Area (APA) in Juruti with the Laguinho community. The initiative, carried out voluntarily by residents since 2013, reached the highest number of chicks returned to the wild. Also at the APA, Imazon trained the local council members on the legal mechanisms for protecting and conserving biodiversity to strengthen the organization’s work.

The program partnered with another edition of the national campaign Um Dia no Parque (A Day in the Park) to bring people closer to the Conservation Units. Held since 2018 by the Pro-Conservation Units Coalition (Unidos Cuidamos), the initiative promotes events and activities in conservation areas every year, uniting people with nature and educating them about the importance of preserving these places. In 2022, 360 UCs were mobilized, leading just over 100,000 people to join the action.

Imazon also trained 33 volunteers in socio-environmental defense in the Amazon, joining the 86 already working in their territories through the Community Environmental Agents Program (PAAC). Those who took part in the initiative had to complete a course on legislation, conservation areas, environmental education, conflict resolution, GPS and drones for monitoring, firefighting, jungle survival and first aid. With these lessons, they could create projects to improve their communities.

In addition, with other institutions, the institute supported the expedition that located the most giant tree in Latin America and the fourth largest in the world, an 88.5-meter-high red angel tree, more than twice the size of Christ the Redeemer. And to conserve the place where it is found, the Paru State Forest (Flota), which from October to November was among the five most deforested conservation units in the Amazon, Imazon also launched the Protect the Giant Trees campaign. Before the action, it was possible to find more than 500 Rural Environmental Registrations (CARs) irregularly registered in the territory, which were later canceled.

Law and sustainability

Imazon pioneered analyzing the results of the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) Amazônia Protege program, which seeks to hold illegal deforesters in the region accountable through public civil actions. The work showed that of 3,551 lawsuits filed by the MPF by October 2020, only 8% had been sentenced in the first instance, representing just 51 cases. Despite this, the good news was that the judiciary had formed a jurisprudence to accept satellite images as evidence in lawsuits without needing field surveys, which could speed up future punishments. This and other data formed the study “Is the Judiciary Punishing Illegal deforesters in the Amazon – Results of the Amazônia Protege program?“.

The research “Proposals for Territorial Planning in the Amazon that Reduces Deforestation,” published by the Amazônia 2030 project, analyzed solutions and steps for preserving 143.6 million hectares of undesignated forests in the region, which are vulnerable to land grabbing. According to the study, the enforcement of land laws relating to the allocation of land that already exists in the country, together with implementing a land-use planning policy in the region, could help combat deforestation and protect the forest.

In the study “Land Regularization in Federal Areas in the Legal Amazon – Lessons, Challenges and Recommendations,” also published as part of the Amazonia 2030 project, Imazon pointed out that current legislation already allows some occupations of federal land that took place up until December 2011 to be titled without a bidding process. With this, it would be possible to give titles to 88% of the properties currently being applied for by INCRA without changing the laws.

In addition, the program also published a Technical Note on the reduction of land prices in land regularization in state areas in Pará, which showed that the measure would allow for a discount of R$6.7 billion in the privatization of state lands. In practice, it would further benefit those who committed the crimes of invasion and deforestation of public forests – who could already obtain possession of the areas at a price well below the market.

Climate change

In partnership with the O Mundo Que Queremos Institute, Imazon has launched Radar Verde, a transparency indicator for the beef chain in the Amazon. The initiative aims to show consumers what meatpackers and supermarkets are doing to prevent the entry of products related to illegal deforestation. This control is essential for combating the advance of forest destruction in the region since around 80% of the area cut down in the Amazon has already become pasture. The initiative was one of the highlights of COP 27, which took place in Egypt.

Also, in 2022, the first results of the Green Radar were released, which revealed a lack of participation from companies and the refusal of those who responded to the survey to make their performance public. Among the meatpackers invited, 94.5% did not participate in the survey. Another 5.5% responded but needed to authorize the publication of their results. The same happened in the retail segment: 96% of the supermarkets invited have yet to respond. The 4% who agreed to participate did not authorize the publication of their results.

As part of the Amazonia 2030 project, the program published the study “Five Amazons: bases for the sustainable development of the Legal Amazon,” which sees the need to recognize the different realities of the region before implementing any plan. They were divided into Forest Amazonia, Amazonia under pressure, deforested Amazonia, non-forest Amazonia, and urban Amazonia.

The research “The Amazon Paradox,” also published within Amazonia 2030, reveals that the disastrous process of occupation in the region also offers the keys to building a sustainable future. According to the authors, the region’s paradox comprises three key elements: firstly, a vast area of tropical forest is still standing. Secondly, the region has a demographic bonus. Thirdly, there is deforestation, which, in addition to all the socio-environmental damage caused, has left behind a vast, poorly used area.

Finally, the report “Amazon Facts: Environment and Land Use” summarizes the primary information on the region’s natural resources based on secondary data from various public institutions, research institutions, and civil society. This research was also carried out as part of Amazônia 2030.


By maintaining the new press relations strategies implemented in 2021, Imazon maintained the mark of at least 4,100 press mentions in the year in media outlets in 84 countries. The sector also continued to improve the depth and presentation of content on the organization’s website. As a result, in 2022, the page received 372,000 users (27% more than the previous year) and had 686,000 views (17% more than in 2021).

On social media, also due to the new strategies implemented in 2021, the institute went from 70,000 to 75,000 followers, an increase of 7%. This balance was achieved on six different platforms: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

In 2022, we also highlight the participation of Imazon researchers in three documentaries. The first is “Pelas Estradas do Brasil,” in which journalist Fernando Gabeira travels for 21 days through Amazon to investigate the problems and solutions for the region. The second is “Amazônia na Encruzilhada,” in which journalist Miriam Leitão travels to the area to show the socio-environmental damage caused by the increase in deforestation, which has threatened the lives of traditional peoples and communities. The film won an award at the Alter do Chão International Film Festival. The third is “The Sound of the River,” in which activist Val Munduruku and singer Maria Gadú portray the Amazon on a journey of knowledge and discovery along the Tapajós River.


Imazon’s administrative area dedicated resources to training professionals and improving the institute’s organizational procedures, which increased the quality of deliveries and the team’s productivity. This was essential to support Imazon’s research activities, field projects and communication.

The sector is also responsible for maintaining and updating the institutional transparency page on the institute’s website, a service created to strengthen the entity’s credibility and accessibility to information. As a result of this commitment, the organization’s accounts and contracts were approved in yet another year without objection during external and independent audits.

Main supporters

Norwegian Agency For Development Cooperation
Instituto Clima e Sociedade (ICS)
Instituto Arapyaú de Educação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável
The Skoll Foundation
Intituto Tecnologico Vale (ITV)
Martins Agropecuária S/A
Regnskogsföreningen RF
WWF Brasil
Parnaíba Geração e Comercialização de Energia SA (ENEVA)
Serviço Florestal Americano (USFS)
Instituto el Bien Comun (IBC)
Alcoa World Alumina Brasil Ltda
Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPÊ)
Associação Vale para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Climate Works Monitoramento
Azulão Geração de Energia SA (ENEVA)
The Wellbeing Project
Plural Gestão de Recursos Ltda
Instituto Sincronicidade para a Interacao Social

Financial statement extract

Independent auditors report

Tap here to read the document

List of publications

Scientific articles
Mapping Roads in the Brazilian Amazon with Artificial Intelligence and Sentinel-2
Medium Spatial Resolution Mapping of Global Land Cover and Land Cover Change Across Multiple Decades From Landsat
Mapping Three Decades of Changes in the Tropical Andean Glaciers Using Landsat Data Processed in the Earth Engine

A Evolução do Setor Madeireiro na Amazônia entre 1980 a 2020 e as Oportunidades para seu Desenvolvimento Inclusivo e Sustentável na Próxima Década

Technical Reports
O Judiciário está punindo desmatadores ilegais na Amazônia?
Resumo executivo: O Judiciário está punindo desmatadores ilegais na Amazônia?
Executive Summary: Are Courts punishing illegal deforesters in the Brazilian Amazon?
PrevisIA 2022
Radar Verde 2022

Technical reports within the Amazonia 2030 project
As 5 Amazônias: bases para o desenvolvimento sustentável da Amazônia Legal
Fatos da Amazônia: Meio Ambiente e uso do solo
O Paradoxo Amazônico
Oportunidades para restauração florestal em larga escala no bioma Amazônia: priorizando a vegetação secundária
Propostas para um Ordenamento Territorial na Amazônia que Reduza o Desmatamento
Regularização Fundiária em Áreas Federais na Amazônia Legal Lições, Desafios e Recomendações

Deforestation Alert Systems (SAD) Monthy Bulletins
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (dezembro de 2021)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (janeiro de 2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (fevereiro de 2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (março de  2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (abril de 2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (maio de 2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (junho de 2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (julho de 2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (agosto de 2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (setembro de 2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (outubro de 2022)
Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (novembro de 2022) 

Threat and Pressure of Deforestation in Protected Areas
Ameaça e Pressão de Desmatamento em Áreas Protegidas: novembro a dezembro de 2021
Ameaça e Pressão de Desmatamento em Áreas Protegidas: janeiro a março de 2022
Ameaça e Pressão de Desmatamento em Áreas Protegidas: abril a junho de 2022
Ameaça e Pressão de Desmatamento em Áreas Protegidas: julho a setembro de 2022

Logging Monitoring System (Simex)
Sistema de Monitoramento da Exploração Madeireira (Simex): Mapeamento da exploração madeireira no Acre (agosto 2020 a julho 2021)
Sistema de Monitoramento da Exploração Madeireira (Simex): Mapeamento da exploração madeireira no Amazonas (agosto 2020 a julho 2021)
Sistema de Monitoramento da Exploração Madeireira (Simex): Mapeamento da exploração madeireira no Mato Grosso (agosto 2020 a julho 2021)
Sistema de Monitoramento da Exploração Madeireira (Simex): Mapeamento da exploração madeireira no Pará (agosto 2020 a julho 2021)
Sistema de Monitoramento da Exploração Madeireira (Simex): Mapeamento da exploração madeireira em Rondônia (agosto 2020 a julho 2021)
Sistema de Monitoramento da Exploração Madeireira (Simex): Mapeamento da exploração madeireira em Roraima – Agosto 2020 a Julho 2021
Sistema de Monitoramento da Exploração Madeireira (Simex): Mapeamento da exploração madeireira na Amazônia (agosto 2020 a julho 2021)
System for Monitoring Timber Harvesting (Simex): Mapping logging in the Amazon – August 2020 to July 2021

Infographics and fact sheets within the MapBiomas network
Mapeamento anual de cobertura e uso da terra no Brasil de 1985 a 2021
Mapeamento anual de cobertura e uso da terra no Brasil de 1985 a 2021 – Amazônia
Relatório Anual do Desmatamento do Brasil 2021
MapBiomas Água 1985 a 2020

Technical notes
Nota Técnica sobre a redução de preços de terra na regularização fundiária em áreas estaduais no Pará

Cartilha Plano de Manejo da APA Jará


List of events

Propostas para conservar, desenvolver e restaurar a Amazônia – Live 1: A importância das terras indígenas para combater o desmatamento da Amazônia
Propostas para conservar, desenvolver e restaurar a Amazônia – Live 2: Como aumentar a produtividade na Amazônia sem desmatar?
Propostas para conservar, desenvolver e restaurar a Amazônia  – Live 3: Como restaurar a floresta gerando renda?
A dinâmica de ocupação da Amazônia na era da emergência climática
Explorando as conexões das águas superficiais e subterrâneas
Webinar região Norte (Amapá, Pará e Roraima) – Relatório Anual do Desmatamento no Brasil 2021
Webinar região Norte /AMACRO – Relatório Anual do Desmatamento no Brasil 2021


Imazon participates in the following collectives:

Aliança Amazônia
Representatives: Brenda Brito e Jakeline Pereira

Aliança pela Restauração na Amazônia (ARA)
Representatives: Andréia Pinto e Luis Oliveira Jr.

Aliança para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Sul do Amazonas
Representatives: Paulo Amaral e Andréia Pinto

Câmara Ambiental do Conselho Diretor do FSC – Iniciativa Brasil
Representatives: Paulo Amaral e Dalton Cardoso

Câmara Técnica Permanente de Espécies Ameaçadas do Estado do Pará (CTPEA)
Representatives: Andréia Pinto e Carlos Alexandre da Cunha

Câmara Técnica Setorial de Floresta do Estado do Pará (CTSF)
Representatives: Paulo Amaral

Coalizão Brasil, Clima, Florestas e Agricultura
Representatives: Paulo Barreto

Coalizão Pró-UCs
Representatives: Jakeline Pereira

Conselho Consultivo da Estação Ecológica do Jari (AP/PA)
Representatives: Jakeline Pereira e Regiane Vilanova

Conselho Consultivo da Estação Ecológica Grão-Pará (PA)
Representatives: Regiane Vilanova e Jakeline Pereira

Conselho Consultivo da Floresta Estadual de Faro (PA)
Representatives: Regiane Vilanova e Jakeline Pereira

Conselho Consultivo da Floresta Estadual do Paru (PA)
Representatives: Regiane Vilanova e Jakeline Pereira

Conselho Consultivo do Parque Estadual do Utinga (PA)
Representatives: Jakeline Pereira

Conselho Consultivo da Reserva Biológica do Rio Trombetas (PA)
Representatives: Jakeline Pereira

Conselho Consultivo da Reserva Biológica Maicuru (PA)
Representatives: Jakeline Pereira e Regiane Vilanova

Conselho Estratégico do Programa Territórios Sustentáveis
Representatives: Andréia Pinto

Conselho de Meio Ambiente do Museu Brasileiro de Escultura e Ecologia (Mube) – São Paulo
Representatives: Beto Veríssimo

Fórum de Secretários de Meio Ambiente do Oeste do Pará
Representatives: Jakeline Pereira

Grupo de Trabalho CAR da Comissão de Meio Ambiente do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público
Representatives: Paulo Amaral

Grupo de Trabalho de Bioeconomia da Comissão de Meio Ambiente do Senado
Representatives: Beto Veríssimo

Observatório do Clima (OC)
Representatives: Brenda Brito

Observatório do Código Florestal (OCF)
Representatives: Andréia Pinto

Observatório do Manejo Florestal Comunitário e Familiar (OMFCF)
Representatives: Paulo Amaral

Observatório do Meio Ambiente – Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ)
Representatives: Beto Veríssimo

Plano Amazônia – Iniciativa Itaú Unibanco, Santander e Bradesco
Representatives: Beto Veríssimo

Rede Amazônica de Informação Socioambiental Georreferenciada (Raisg)
Representatives: Carlos Souza Jr.

Rede de Capacitação da Amazônia (Recam)
Representatives: Andréia Pinto

Rede de Mosaico de Áreas Protegidas
Representatives: Jakeline Pereira

Rede Legado Integrado da Região Amazônica (Lira)
Representatives: Jakeline Pereira

Rede MapBiomas
Representatives: Carlos Souza Jr. (Coordenação Técnico-Científica)

Uma Concertação pela a Amazônia
Representatives: Beto Veríssimo

General Assembly

Adalberto Veríssimo
Associate Researcher at Imazon

Christopher Uhl
Professor at the State University of Pennsylvania (USA)

Cândido Paraguassu
Lawyer and Professor at Unama

Carlos Souza Jr.
Associate Researcher at Imazon

David MacGrath
Researcher at Earth Innovation Institute

Paulo Amaral
Associate Researcher at Imazon

Paulo Barreto
Associate Researcher at Imazon

Board of directors

André Guimarães
President of the Imazon Board of Directors and Executive Director of Ipam

Maria José Gontijo
Vice President of the Imazon Board of Directors and Executive Director of the IEB

Claudia Azevedo Ramos
Professor at NAEA/UFPA

Pedro Moura Costa
Executive President at BVRio

Estevão Ciavatta
Film and TV director, screenwriter and producer

Salo Vinocur Coslovsky
Professor at New York University (NYU)

Suzana Padua
President of IPÊ

Fiscal Council

Carlos Antonio Rocha Vicente
Forest Engineer

Edson Vidal

Professor at Esalq/USP

Luciana Costa da Fonseca
Professor at Cesupa and
OAB-PA Law Superior School

Ubiratan Cazetta
Attorney of the Republic in Pará

This post was published on 25 de abril de 2024

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